
Online Registrations Made Easy - Proudly Canadian - Since 2001


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Register online with Karelo.com

Online Registration Solutions for:

  • Conferences, Seminars & Workshops
  • Sport Events & Clubs
  • Associations & Membership Management
  • Schools
  • Summer Camps


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Ce que nos clients pensent de nous …
"Prior to Karelo, it was a six people answering phones and faxes and dealing with customers in person. It was a nightmare to ensure everyone was properly and promptly registered. With the addition on the waiting list, Karelo has saved me hours of work over the upcoming months prior to the event. It has made my life so much easier."

- Bob Grunewald, Bow Cyclye & Sports, Calgary

"Karelo makes it dead easy for us to provide a modern, complete, and foolproof registration option for our membership. The technical support is excellent. We could not ask for a better solution for our Society, local or otherwise."

- Randy Saunders, Australian Wine Appreciation Society
[Voir les autres témoignages]  

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