

Note: Online payment with credit card is required to complete this registration.

Please complete the registration form below.

CISV Vancouver


CISV Membership 2023-2024

Date/Time: Sun, 01-Oct-2023 - Mon, 30-Sep-2024

Member 1:
First Name:    (*)
Last Name:    (*)
Address:     (*)
City:     (*)
Postal Code:     (*)
Country:     (*)
Home Phone:     (*)
Business Phone: 
Mobile Phone: 
Email:     (*)
  I have read and agree with the Terms of Use   (*)
Membership Fee:    (*)
For renewals, please enter your membership nunber; for new membership, this will be assigned by the system.
Membership Number: Click here to look up your Member Nr
Please register all your YOUTH family members (<18 yrs) below; use the ADD PERSON button to add another youth.
Member First Name:   (*)
Member Last Name:   (*)
Birth Date:      (*)
Gender:    (*)
Other Gender:
T-shirt:    (*)
School:   (*)
Grade:   (*)
Occupation:   (*)
Parent/Guardian First Name:
Parent/Guardian Last Name:   (*)
Primary/Cell Contact Number:   (*)
Home Number:
Parent Email:   (*)   (for CISV Correspondence)
Parent/Guardian 2 First Name:
Parent/Guardian 2 Last Name:
Parent 2 address:  (if different)
Primary/Cell Contact Number:
Home Number:
Parent 2 Email:  (for CISV Correspondence)
Volunteering is a condition of membership in CISV. We depend on your talents, time and energy. You may choose to work on a committee with other members or to use your particular abilities to benefit the chapter in some unique way. Meetings of your child’s travel delegation are not considered volunteer work because they support that delegation only—not the whole chapter.

Volunteer Choices
Please indicate at least two areas where your family can help based on your knowledge, interest, skills or professional expertise.
Please also take the time to review our volunteer sign-up system to sign up for a specific role or tasks.
Donate to our the CISV Vancouver Bursary Fund
CISV Vancouver is committed to working to make CISV travel accessible to more youth, regardless of economic means. To facilitate this, the chapter is building a bursary fund that will be used to offset some travel costs for eligible youth. If you'd like to make a donation that will help more kids experience CISV, please select a donation amount below. Note: Donations of $20 or more will be eligible for a tax receipt.
Promo Code:
I agree that CISV may use and publish photographs or video created as part of participation in the CISV Program for use in the production of educational or promotional materials including web and Facebook pages provided the participant appears as part of a group rather than individually and is not identified by name. NOTE: although CISV has Social Media guidelines, CISV cannot control uploads by participants to sites such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.
I understand that, CISV Vancouver does not organize or provide transportation to or from, or part way to or from, Juniour Branch and chapter meetings or local community activities. Except where specifically identified, transportation arrangements are the responsibility of participants and their parents/guardians. CISV Vancouver does not accept responsibility for transportation arrangements made between CISV members. When travel is arranged by CISV in support of international hosting, volunteer drivers must be at least 19 years of age and carry a full driver’s license (not a Learners or Probationary license) and all vehicles must be insured for a minimum $1M liability. I understand I may be required to show evidence of coverage if transporting participants.
CISV program content is significantly enriched and expanded when youth participate in certain aspects of community life and the natural environment. Local community activities provide these valuable experiences and are planned as an enriched part of the CISV program. I give permission for my son, daughter, or youth under my care, to participate in CISV local community activities. I understand that information about each activity will be communicated to the membership or available on CISV Vancouver’s website. Guidelines are in place governing the number of adult chaperones who will accompany the youth at activities. Reasonable precautions will be taken to ensure the safety of youth participants. Should an activity be planned which exceeds one day, or where there might be increased risk or difficulty of supervision, or where transportation is arranged as part of the activity, an event/activity-specific permission form will be required.
Code of Conduct:
This Code of Behaviour applies to all adults in CISV as well as to Children in roles of trust and responsibility. I will always:
1. Put the safety and welfare of the children in CISV as my first priority.
2. Help create a culture where children feel safe
3. Encourage children to speak out and bring up any concerns they have.
4. Listen to the voices of children
5. Treat everyone with courtesy, dignity and respect.
6. Recognize that as adults we are role models at all times and we set the tone for what is acceptable.
7. Model positive behaviours that reflect the values of CISV:
Friendship, Inclusiveness, Enthusiasm, Engagement and Cooperation.
8. Follow CISV rules, especially the Behaviour Policy and the Child Protection Policy (see especially Procedure 4: Communicating with and about Children).
9. Recognize that my behavior, both in person and online, affects the reputation of CISV.
10. Use appropriate language and behaviour in all forms of communication.
11. Report all concerns about inappropriate or forbidden behaviours immediately to the Person in Charge.
12. Avoid physical contact or displays of intimacy that could reasonably be perceived as inappropriate or an abuse of power or trust.
13. Challenge others on behaviour that I feel is against our Code of Behaviour and be open to be challenged by others on my behaviour.
Refund Policy:
Membership fees are non-refundable.
 (*) required field
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Use the note field to send a message to the organizer, or as a reminder for yourself.

Please complete the registration details and click 'Confirm' to continue with your payment
or press 'Add Person' to register an additional person


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