

Activité MRR24-3
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Monday Recreational Rides

Quand: Lun, 20-Mai-2024 18:30

Où: 2909 113Ave NW, Edmonton, AB

We will start the cycling season with 16-18km rides through the bike paths and streets of the neighborhing areas of the river valley. We will work our way up to 40km rides as we build those cycling legs. Pace will increase with distance and time. Along the way, we will stop for coffee and snacks. We will ride primarily on paved trails or roads with some off-pavement for short distances. Remember that we meet at the bottom of the river valley and must climb to the top for all rides.

Location: Tennis courts at Rundle Park

Sign up below!


No. max de participants: 15

Inscrivez-vous avant le:
Lun, 20-Mai-2024 15:30


Gaye Carter
Courriel: Cliquez ici


2909 113Ave NW, Edmonton, AB

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