May 2014
We are excited to be able to offer payment processing for our customers through, starting immediately. Stripe offers a number features which makes it superior to other services such as PayPal:
The registrants enter credit card data directly on the registration screen
No redirection to a payment website (no confusion as to if a PayPal account is needed or not)
The credit card statement will show our organization's name and the registration number (e.g. "ABC Events reg# 543123")
The pricing is identical to PayPal (2.9% + $0.30) and the Karelo fees are identical (and we won't charge set-up fees)
AMEX processing at no extra cost
Setting up Stripe is super easy and takes less than 5 minutes
The collected fees are credited to your Stripe account and deposited into your bank account 7 days later (rolling 7 days deposits)
Ability to process additional charges for an existing customer without having to know the credit card number
Ability to process refunds on
Ability to process manual charges (ie. typing in the credit card information to process a charge directly)
Please check for further details and contact us if you would like to use Stripe for your event registrations.