
Online Registrations Made Easy - Proudly Canadian - Since 2001


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Register online with Karelo.com

Online Registration Solutions for:

  • Conferences, Seminars & Workshops
  • Sport Events & Clubs
  • Associations & Membership Management
  • Schools
  • Summer Camps


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Ce que nos clients pensent de nous …
"That was easy! I am so impressed with your company. [...] Your system is very well designed... easy to use but very comprehensive and thorough. I would highly recommend your company to other organizations (and I have!)."

- Rae Perry, BC Special Education Association

"I have to say I am very impressed with Karelo's service...you guys are so responsive. It's great....wish it was like this dealing with everyone!"

- Carolyn Soules, Race Director, Calgary Crankmasters Cycling Club
[Voir les autres témoignages]  

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