
Online Registrations Made Easy - Proudly Canadian - Since 2001


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Register online with Karelo.com

Online Registration Solutions for:

  • Conferences, Seminars & Workshops
  • Sport Events & Clubs
  • Associations & Membership Management
  • Schools
  • Summer Camps


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Ce que nos clients pensent de nous …
"You folks have an awesome service. I will recommend you to anyone looking for online registrations. "

- Andrea Trimble, Yogastock

"Thank you so much for your prompt customer service (always!). I truly appreciate the solutions provided by your company while trying to accommodate my requests, your system and your staff always seem to have the answers I am looking for to make this part of my business run smoothly"

- Kaely MacMillan, Canadian Physiotherapy Association, Orthopaedic Division, BC
[Voir les autres témoignages]  

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